Boyfriend (kari) Wiki


Amane Keito
Card ID: 406
Rarity: HN
Cost: 5
Sell for: 2500 men
Max.Level: 30
Min. ATK/DEF: 546/504
Max. ATK/DEF: 1911/1764
Skill: Slightly increases King type's attack


Amane Keito+
Card ID: 407
Rarity: HN
Cost: 5
Sell for: 3750 men
Max.Level: 30
Min. ATK/DEF: 655/604
Max. ATK/DEF: 2293/2116
Skill: Slightly increases King type's attack


[But I like amusement park?]
Amane Keito
Card ID: 408
Rarity: R
Cost: 5
Sell for: 7500 men
Max.Level: 40
Min. ATK/DEF: 819/756
Max. ATK/DEF: 2865/2644
Skill: Slightly increases King type's attack


Voice Japanese English
安眠妨害、阻止。 "Sleep disturbance, prevention."


Come,....are you going right? (ほら…行くんでしょ?)

How to Acquire[]

  • Normal Cupid


Japanese English
Chatting Time:

あてもなく、歩くよ。 Somehow, I'm walking
Chatting Time:

鼻がむずむずする。 My nose is itchy.
Chatting Time:

ボクと話すの楽しい? Are you having fun talking to me?
Phone date comment:

別の日にボクの用事に付き合ってくれるなら、アンタの誘い、受けてあげてもいいよ。 If you go out with me on another day, I will accept your invitation
Phone date comment:

退屈してたし……まあいい暇潰しになるか。で、どこに行くの?ボク遊園地がいいな。 I am bored anyway....well, it's for killing time. So, where are we going? I want to go amusement park.
Phone date comment:

ちょうど欲しいものがあったし、グッドタイミングなんじゃない?付き合ってあげる。 There is something that I want, good timing isn't? I'll go out with you.
Affection Max:

ペットでもなんでもいいよ。アンタがボクを気にかけているってわかっているからね。アンタ、ボクから離れられないよ? I don't care whether I am your pet or anything. It's because I knew that you care about me. You, cannot separate from me?