Boyfriend (kari) Wiki


Asuma Momota
Card ID: 46
Rarity: HN
Cost: 6
Sell for: 2500 men
Max.Level: 30
Min. ATK/DEF: 686/633
Max. ATK/DEF: 2246/2073
Skill: Slightly increases All type's attack


Asuma Momota+
Card ID: 47
Rarity: HN
Cost: 6
Sell for: 3750 men
Max.Level: 30
Min. ATK/DEF: 832/760
Max. ATK/DEF: 2695/2488
Skill: Slightly increases All type's attack


[Asuma's Favorite]
Asuma Momota
Card ID: 48
Rarity: R
Cost: 6
Sell for: 7500 men
Max.Level: 40
Min. ATK/DEF: 1029/950
Max. ATK/DEF: 3369/3110
Skill: Slightly increases All type's attack


Prince of Tennis (テニスのプリンス様)

How to Acquire[]

  • Normal Cupid


My Page Screen[]

Step 1
Japanese English
いつもこの場所で会う気がするね。 Seems like we meet here quite often.
何か忘れ物? 一緒に取りに行こうか? Is something left behind? Shall we go get it together?
また会ったね。俺はこれから部活。 I met you again. I am on my way to the club.
Step 2 to 3
Japanese English
そろそろ部活の準備しよっかなー。 Should I prepare for the club soon....
スポーツは好き?テニスとかどう? Do you like sports? How about tennis?
身体を動かすのって楽しいよ! It's fun to move your body!
Step 4 to 5
Japanese English
ラケットのガット、張り替えようかな。 I should change the racket's gut.
はあ……。今日はちょっと、疲れたかも。 *sigh*... I think I'm a bit tired today.
……え?あ、ごめん……うとうとしてた。 ..Er?...Ah, sorry, I was dozing off.
Step 6 to 7
Japanese English
良かったらそこまで一緒に行かない? Would you like to go there together?
朝練がある日は授業中、眠いんだよなー。 When there is morning practice, I would feel sleepy in class.
[名前]ちゃんの笑顔って……かわいいね。 [username]'s smile is.....cute.
Step 8
Japanese English
あ、会えた。……会える気がしてたんだ。 I-I met.....I felt like I could.
[名前]ちゃんを見てると、元気が出る。 When I see you, [username] I feel energetic.
あのさ……もうちょっと一緒にいよう? Hey...let's stay together a little bit more?
その……離したくないんだ。 Um,....I don't want to let go.
ずっと隣にいてほしい。……なんてね。 I want you to be by beside....just kidding.



Step 1
Japanese English
おっと、ごめん。ちゃんと前見てなかった。 Oops, sorry. I didn't see you properly.
おはよう、今日も1日頑張ろうね。 Good morning, let's do our best the whole day.
そんなに走らなくても、チャイムまではまだ余裕あるよ? There is sometime left until the bell rings, so you don't have to run that much, you know?
Step 2 to 4
Japanese English
今日もいい天気でうれしいな。君もそう思わない? I'm happy with the fine weather today. Don't you think so?
今さっき朝練終わったところなんだ。 I just finished morning practice.
朝ごはん、ちゃんと食べてきた? Did you eat your breakfast properly?
Step 5 to 7
Japanese English
最近ここで会うね。学年違うのに、面白いな。 I see you here lately. Although we are from different year, it's interesting.
あ、[名前]ちゃんの顔見たら、やる気出てきたかも。 Oh, maybe I get motivated when I see your face, [username].
たまにはテニス部の朝練、見に来ない? Come and see my morning practice, sometimes?
Step 8
Japanese English
[名前]ちゃん、寝坊した?あれ?ハズレかー。 [username], did you overslept? Eh? I missed the point.
なんでだろう……[名前]ちゃんを見てると、ホッとする。 I wonder why ... .. When I look at [username], I feel relieved.
今日、部活ないんだ。……一緒に帰らない? I don’t have club activities today..... Do you want to go home together?
最近、[名前]ちゃんのことばっかり考えてる。 Recently, I have been thinking about [username]-chan.
俺に会いに来てくれたの?だったら、すごいうれしい! 'Did you come and see me? If so, I am really happy!

After Class[]

Step 1
Japanese English
毎日この時間は、睡魔との戦いだなー……。 This is the time where I fight sleepiness with everyday...
ヤバイ……眠い……。 No good…..I’m sleepy...
あ、これから移動授業?午後からも頑張ってね。 Oh, are you moving out for another lesson? Good luck in the afternoon as well.
Step 2 to 4
Japanese English
午後の授業、頑張って。……俺もだけど。 Work hard at afternoon class. ….Well, me too.
あ、ほっぺにごはん粒ついてる。……うそうそ! Ah, there is some rice grains on your face. ….I’m kidding!
俺を動物にたとえたら、どんな感じ? What do you think of comparing me with an animal?
Step 5 to 7
Japanese English
今日、部活休みなんだ。一緒に帰らない? 'Today, I don’t have club activities closed so want to go home together?
よーし、あとは午後の授業を乗り切れば部活だ! All right, if I survive the class in the afternoon afterwards it's club activity!
なんか身体動かしたいな。でも今日、体育ないんだよね。 Somehow, I want to move my body. But, we don’t have physical today.
Step 8
Japanese English
昼、良かったらふたりで食べない? Let’s eat together in the afternoon?
[名前]ちゃんの弁当、美味しそう!味見していい? '[username]’s lunch looks delicious! Can I try some?
[名前]ちゃんに料理作ってもらえたら幸せだな。 I’m happy that [username]-chan cooked for me.
いいなー手作り弁当……。俺にも作ってくれない? How good the hand-made lunchbox is….. Can you make one for me?
気がついたら[名前]ちゃんを目で追ってるんだよな……。 When I realised it, my eyes were fixed at you, [username]-chan…...


Step 1
Japanese English
授業、集中できた?なんて、俺に言われたくないか。 Were you able to focus in class? Just kidding, you don’t want to hear that from me.
3年は、今年で部活引退なんだよね……頑張らなきゃ。 'Third year have retire their club activities….I have to work hard.
やっと放課後だ……部活行ってくるね! Finally, it’s after school…..I’m going to the club now.
Step 2 to 4
Japanese English
ん?これから部活だよ。良かったら見に来る? 'Um? I’m on my way to the club. If you don’t mind, want to come and see us?
今度の練習試合、最前列で応援してほしいなー。 I want to you cheer for me at the front seat at the next match.
毎日体育ばっかりだったら楽しいのにな。 It’s so much fun because there are lots of physical activities almost everyday.
Step 5 to 7
Japanese English
もう結構暗いね。良かったら一緒に帰らない? It’s pretty dark. If you don’t mind, let’s go back together?
えっ、差し入れ?ありがとう……うれしい。 Eh, refreshments? Thank you….I’m pleased.
……危ないから送っていくよ。 .....It’s dangerous so I will send you home.
Step 8
Japanese English
これからは、毎日一緒に帰りたい。……駄目かな? I want to go back home with you from now onwards…..I can’t?
放課後、暇?なんか食べていかない? Are you free after school? Shall we eat something?
ふたりきりだと……デートみたいだよね。 It seems like a date… when there is just the two of us.
同じ学年だったら良かったのに……ちょっと残念。 Too bad though… I wish we were in same year.
[名前]ちゃんと一緒にいると、1日があっという間だね。 When I’m with [username]-chan, the whole day seems like a blink of an eye.

Chatting time[]

Step 1
Japanese English
君は部活入ってたっけ? Did you join any club?
早弁すべきか我慢すべきか……。 Learning is more exhausting than exercising....
あ、授業おつかれー。 Ah, good job at class.
Step 2 to 4
Japanese English
俺、ずーっとテニス部なんだ。 I have been in tennis club for a long time..
勉強って運動より疲れるよね…。 Learning is more exhausting than exercising....
今日は……うーん、やっぱテニス!, of course play tennis!
Step 5 to 7
Japanese English
そろそろ外行きたいなー。 I want to go out soon.
君もテニス部に入ればいいのに……。 I wish you would join our tennis club too.
俺と一緒に身体動かそうよ。 Let’s move your body together with me.
Step 8
Voice Clip Japanese English
今日、一緒に帰らない? Let's go home together, today?
あ、俺とお喋りしてかない? Ah, have a chat with me?
マネージャーって、興味ない……? Are you...interested to be a manager..?

Phone Date Comment[]

Step 1
Japanese English
君うん、いいよ。最近は休みの日も部活なことが多いから、上手く予定が合えば、だけど……。 Yup, sure. There are club activities even during the holidays so I hope it matches our schedule…..
Step 2 to 4
Japanese English
うーんと、部活のない日だったらオッケーだよ。君の希望は何日か、聞かせてくれる? Umm, I am okay with the days without club activities. Will you let know when you wish to meet?
Step 5 to 7
Japanese English
うん、いいよ。最近は休みの日も部活なことが多いから、上手く予定が合えば、だけど……。 Okay, sure. Recently, I am having a lots of club activities on holidays as well so I hope the schedule is matched well though....
Step 8
Voice Clip Japanese English
君のお誘いなら部活を休んでも――ってのはさすがに駄目だけど、できるだけ行くよ! If it's your invitation I would skip my club...well, that's not possible but I would go if I can!
うん、いいよ。最近は休みの日も部活なことが多いから、上手く予定が合えば、だけど……。 Okay, sure. Recently, I am having a lots of club activities on holidays as well so I hope the schedule is matched well though....
デートに誘ってくれるなんて、テニス頑張った俺へのごほうび? ……すっごいうれしい。 Is this an invitation as a present for trying-hard at tennis? ....I am really happy.

Affection Max[]

Step 8
Voice Clip Japanese English
変に気負うわけじゃなくて、不思議なくらい確信してるんだ。俺は、君が見守ってくれていたら絶対勝てるって。……ほんとだよ? I am not getting worked up strangely but I have confidence mysterious​ly. I mean I can win absolutely if you are watching over's the truth, you know?

Kare Jimen Screen[]

Step 1
Japanese English
大丈夫、俺がついているから。 It's alright I am with you.
Step 2 to 4
Japanese English
そんな心配そうな顔しないで。 Please don't make such a worried face.
Step 5 to 7
Japanese English
必ず勝つ。そう信じてて。 Definitely will win. Believe me in that way.
Step 8
Japanese English
君がいれば大丈夫だよ。 I'm fine as long you are there.


Step 1
Japanese English
バイトって身体動かせてバイト代ももらえて、一石二鳥だよね。 The part-time allows you to move your body and earn, it's like killing two birds with one stone.
Step 2 to 7
Japanese English
あ、時給上がったみたい。帰りになんか食べていかない? Ah, seems like my wage has increased. Want to eat something on the way home?
Step 8
Japanese English
[名前]ちゃんと一緒だと、バイトの時間もあっという間だな……。 When I am with [username] in part-time, the time flies fast..