Boyfriend (kari) Wiki


Amane Keito
Card ID: 181
Rarity: R
Cost: 8
Sell for: 5000 men
Max.Level: 40
Min. ATK/DEF: 1123/1036
Max. ATK/DEF: 4301/3970
Skill: Slightly increases King type's attack and defense


Amane Keito+
Card ID: 182
Rarity: R
Cost: 8
Sell for: 7500 men
Max.Level: 40
Min. ATK/DEF: 1347/1244
Max. ATK/DEF: 5158/4761
Skill: Slightly increases King type's attack and defense


[Like hate]
Amane Keito
Card ID: 183
Rarity: HR
Cost: 8
Sell for: 15000 men
Max.Level: 50
Min. ATK/DEF: 1684/1555
Max. ATK/DEF: 6452/5955
Skill: Slightly increases King type's attack and defense


Voice Japanese English
おーえんとか、いらないし。 "Something like supporting, I don't need it."


Like? Hate? (好き? 嫌い?)

How to Acquire[]

  • Normal Cupid (Unlikely)
  • Premium Cupid


Step 1[]

Japanese English
Chatting Time:

ボクに用事? Do you need something from me?
Chatting Time:

うるさいってば。 I said it's annoying.
Chatting Time:

太陽、キライだよ。 I hate, the sun.
Phone date comment:

デートって……そんなの何が楽しいわけ?楽しいって保証できるんなら付き合ってあげる。 What fun about dating? If you can guarantee that it's fun I will go out with you.

Steps 2-4[]

Japanese English
Chatting Time:

おなか空いたかな? Am I hungry?
Chatting Time:

テレビ見ないよ。 I don't want to see TV.
Chatting Time:

ラジオも聞かない。 I also don't want to hear radio.
Phone date comment:

ま、今日は天気悪いし気分もいいから、少しだけ付き合ってあげるよ。 Well, I am in good mood and also the weather is bad today. I will go out with you.

Steps 5-7[]

Japanese English
Chatting Time:

学校、前よりキライじゃない。 School, I don't hate it like before.
Chatting Time:

部活?何それ……。 Club? What is that..
Chatting Time:

眠い…暗闇どこ。 Sleepy...where is darkness.
Phone date comment:

どこに何しに行きたいの?うるさい所じゃないって約束してくれるならいいよ。 Where do you want to go and do there? I'm fine if you promise me that you wouldn't take me to noisy place.

Steps 8[]

Japanese English
Chatting Time:

別にイヤじゃない。 It's not really, that I don't like it.
Chatting Time:

アンタとしか喋ってないや。 You are not the only one I evertalk to.
Chatting Time:

ボクの相手はアンタだけ。 You are my only companion.
Phone date comment:

アンタってボクと出掛けるの趣味?変わった趣味だけど、別に止める気はないよ。 Is your interest is gong out with me? Although it's unusual interest, not really I am not stopping you.
Phone date comment:

ボク、デートって言葉キライなんだけど。ひとりが寂しいって素直に言えばいいのに。 I hate, the word 'date'. Just tell me honestly that you are lonely.
Phone date comment:

アンタからの誘いじゃなかったら断ってるね。そーいうこと、ちゃんとわかってる? I wouldn't accept invitation unless from you. It's like that, do you know that?
Affection MAX:

ボクの抱き枕になる気になったら、いつだって言ってきなよ。歓迎してあげる。ボクの安眠の糧になれて、うれしいでしょ。 If you become are willing to become my body pillow, you can say that anytime. I'll welcome. You probably will be happy.