Boyfriend (kari) Wiki

The general interface of Boyfriend (Kari) will be explained here.


「マイページ」My Page

"My Page" will be your 'home base' while playing the game. It should always be the first place you check after logging in. An example of what "My Page" looks like can be seen to the right. 

You will receive all notifications, advertisements and news on this page.

In Depth

Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar will always be at the top of My Page. It displays five buttons for quick navigation to important parts of the game.

  • Sound: This will turn on and turn off the voices for the boyfriends. During actions that voices can be heard, the game will automatically ask you if you want to hear the voices or not anyway. If you don't want to take any chances (IE: you're in public etc) just tap the button to switch off the voices.
  • 「お知らせ」/ News : This is better known as your notifications button. On the example image to the right, there are no notifications. On the translated menu bar above, you will notice there is a circle with a "1" in it. This means I have one notification. The circle will always be red, and when clicked, it will display a list of notifications you have. These range from gifts being available for pickup, to a friend writing on your wall, to error messages from the game administrators.
  • 「ストーリ」/Story : The otome elements of this game; the Story section will show a notification when you receive a new card, or step up a card you have never stepped up before. When you click it, it will list the chapters available for view. These chapters are similar to Visual Novel style gameplay and will tell you a story so you can get to know the Boyfriends better. It is also possible to receive special CGs through clearing chapters. For translations, see the Story section.
  • 「カレンダー」/Calendar :The Calendar tab serves one purpose; if you have a Date Ticket , you can plan Dates with your the boyfriends in your deck. 
  • 「メニュ」/Menu  : The Menu is something that should be memorized thoroughly as you will spend a lot of time clicking there. It is the main menu of the game and as such shows buttons to all sections and parts. For more information, click the Menu link.

Character Section

  • Main Graphic: The middle and most illustrated part of your My Page is the middle section that displays your Oshimen. The main graphic will be the strongest Oshimen you have (your 'center'), but you change it, you can simply click on another Boyfriends portrait.
  • 「声が聞きたい!」/ I want to hear your voice!: Click on this tab, and the voice of the Boyfriend featured in the main graphic will sound (provided your sound is turned on in the Navigation Menu.) Each card has a different phrase. For instance, a HR+ Amane Keito card (featured in the picture to the left) will say a different phrase to an SR Amane Keito card.
  • Event Notification: All event specific notifications will show up here. This particular notification is telling me that there is 1 event boss (Nanpa Otoko) available to attack.
  • Phrase: The phrase the Boyfriend will speak if you click the voice button.
  • 「推しメン」/ "Oshimen" - Favorite Boys : Your Oshimen are essentially your attack party. You can pick 5 of your strongest cards to be your Oshimen, or you can let the game pick automatically for you. It will always pick the 5 strongest cards regardless of their rarity, based on their attack stats. For your Defense deck, it will do the same but with the highest defence stat. You can see this explained more under the Oshimen section.
  • Portraits: The portraits of your selected Oshimen. Click on these to change the main graphic.

Play Buttons


These buttons are important in regards to levelling up an battling.

  • 「デート」/ Date : Normally this will just say 「授業」, but changes during events, as seen in the picture left. This particular event is "Setsubun Date". The event indicator hovers over the button. At the bottom of the button, your stamina points are pictured. When you have full stamina points, it will say "MAX". I highly recommend you read the section on Lessons as it is an integral part of the game.
  • 「レベル」 / Level: This is your character level, not any of your Oshimen. You can see your character statistics on your Profile page.
  • 「カレ自慢」Kare Jiman : Kare Jiman is essentially a battle between your Oshimen and another player's Oshimen. During events, however, you use your Kare Jiman points to battle in-event bosses etc. For more information, please see Event Information or Kare Jiman.

Cupid/Step Up/Power Up Buttons


These buttons are for sub-elements of the game, such as levelling up cards and obtaining new cards.

  • Administration Boy: You may recognise this cute guy from your tutorial. He often says stuff thats is fluffy and romancey. Also, he will notify you of errors and other things that occur during your time playing. Here he is saying "Did you meet your fated boyfriend?". For instance, if you try to Power Up a boyfriend and you have no money, he will tell you of ways to make money etc. What a nice guy! I hope that he gets a name someday.
  • 「キューピッド」/ Cupid Cupid is your link to getting as many boyfriends as possible. That means he is your best friend, as this is a card battle game. There are several ways to get more cards, but Cupid has the most ways to help you meet your fated boyfriends.
  • 「カレとステップアップ」/ Step Up your Boyfriend : So you have this great boyfriend, but he could get an upgrade. That's what Stepping Up is. If you have two (or more) of the same card, you can Step Up your boyfriend by combining them, increasing his stats and changing the card art. Keep in mind that the second card is a payment of transforming your Boyfriend. In other words, the second card will be absorbed by the first. For more information, make sure you check out the Step Up section.
  • 「カレと魅力をアップ」Increase your Boyfriend's Charm : Maybe you want to make your boyfriend hotter. I'm just kidding. If you increase your Boyfriend's charm, you increase his level - which includes his attack and defense stats, as well as his Skill. I recommend you max out every card you intend to Step Up before you step them up. Why? Let me explain it to you in Card Mechanics.



Generally, at the bottom of your My page, a whole pile of advertisement banners will be listed. You can choose to ignore these, but often you can get a good deal. If you are the type to buy coins, you could get a good deal by checking these as Ameba is fond of doing deals like "Spend x yen, receive 40% extra coins". 

These advertisements also inform you of what new Cupid cards are coming out - including what new SRs have been made available. Other advertisements include news for new events, writing a fan letter to your boyfriend to be featured in Famitsu magazine, Ameba challenges to get coins etc. If I have enough time, I'll start translating the important ones when this wiki nears completion.
